Hearing Aid Specialist Apprentice
- Please review the Licensing Overview page for information on how we process applications.
- An overview of all fees may be found on our Licensing Fees page.
Eligible Applicant(s)
Any person who wishes to enter the hearing aid dispensing field as a Hearing Aid Specialist upon completion of the in-service education and training program established by the Board.
Educational Requirements
- Minimum high school diploma or equivalent.
- Obtain a Sponsor who is a Licensed Dispensing Audiologist or Hearing Aid Specialist. An Apprentice Sponsorship & Training Agreement signed by the applicant and the sponsor must be submitted with the application for licensure.
Certification Requirements
Apprentice in Charge of Office
Please note that per NAC 637B.0398 (4) "An apprentice shall not maintain, run or operate an office or a satellite office in which hearing aids are fitted and dispensed without the approval of the Board." Any application indicating this will be scheduled for a review by the Board at its next regular meeting.
Term & Renewal
Expires 12 months from date of issuance. May be renewed for two (2) additional 12-month periods.
Continuing Education Required for Renewal
At least 10 hours annually based on the license expiration date and directly pertaining to the profession in which the individual is licensed. At least 1 of the 10 hours must relate to ethics, cultural competence, cultural humility, culturally responsive practices or diversity, equity and inclusion. More information may be found on our Continuing Education page.
- May be converted to Standard Hearing Aid Specialist license with additional fee upon completion of the Apprentice training program, award of NBC-HIS certification, and successful completion of Dispensing Written and Practical Exams.
- More information may be found on our Conversions page.
Required Documentation
- Original Transcript/Education Documentation: If holding an Associate’s degree or higher, please order an official transcript to be sent directly to the Board office – these may be accepted electronically. A copy of a high school diploma/equivalent may be submitted with your application.
- Apprentice Sponsorship & Training Agreement: Please be prepared to submit this document, signed by yourself and your sponsor, with your application.
- Military Affiliation: If applicable, please be prepared to submit a copy of your DD214 or Military identification with your application.