Proposed Laws and Regulations

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Past Work

LCB File R108-23 ~ Revision to NAC Chapter 637B. 

APPROVED & EFFECTIVE June 20, 2024. Please see our Practice Laws and Regulations page

LCB File No. R064-21: Proposed Revision to Continuing Education Requirement in NAC 637B.400. 
APPROVED & EFFECTIVE June 13, 2022: Please see our Practice Laws and Regulations page


Assembly Bill 155 of the of the 81st (2021) Session of the Nevada Legislature (Formerly Bill Draft 603). Assemblywoman Michelle Gorelow, Sponsor. AB 155 Failed to meet the April 9, 2021 deadline to pass the Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee and no further action was taken. NRS 637B.175 prescribes the maximum fees the Board may charge for licensing and other services. AB 155 sought to revise the fee caps in NRS 637B.175. AB 155 Overview


LCB File R095-19 ~ Revision to NAC Chapter 637B. 
APPROVED & EFFECTIVE June 8, 2020. Please see our Practice Laws and Regulations page
Page Updated: 6/24/2024 3:35:06 PM