Board Composition & Current Members

Our Board consists of seven (7) members appointed by the Governor and advisory members appointed by the Board. The Board is composed of the following practitioner types and numbers in accordance with our law:

  • Three (3) licensed speech-language pathologists (each of whom must practice in a different setting, including, without limitation, a university, public school, hospital or private practice)
  • Two (2) licensed audiologists (at least one of whom must be a dispensing audiologist)
  • One (1) licensed hearing aid specialist
  • One (1) public member
  • Advisory members

Current Board Members

Name Location Term Expires Term #
Timothy Hunsaker, AuD-D, Vice Chair Las Vegas July 1, 2025 2
Lynee Anderson, BC-HIS Reno July 1, 2027 2
Shawn Binn, SLP Reno September 30, 2026 1
Jennifer Joy-Cornejo, AuD-D Las Vegas September 30, 2026 1
Branden Murphy, Public Member Las Vegas November 30, 2026 1
Adrienne Williams, SLP Las Vegas July 1, 2025 1
Vacant, SLP      

Apply to Join Our Board!

We have a current vacancy for an SLP to join the Board. 

Vacancies and application forms may be found on the website of the Office of the Governor, whose staff review and make appointments independent of the Board. Please note that the vacancy list will not show openings until a member's term has expired, so those interested may still apply in advance of a vacancy. We encourage anyone who is interested to apply early so there is ample time for application review and appointment to avoid gaps in membership. Please contact the Board office if you have additional questions.

Page Updated: 2/19/2025 4:22:44 PM